Street Photography & Lifestyle | Cuba

If you have ever been to Cuba, I am sure you can understand what I mean when I say this is one of the most soulful places on earth. The different colours on every corner, the sense of community between people, the beautiful landscapes and architecture - it’s unlike anything I have ever experienced.

Thinking back, there are several reasons this trip stands out from any of my other travels; one reason being, it was the first time my mom and I got to travel together just her and I. People always remind us how similar we are to one another, and I can’t help but feel overcome with gratitude to think that I am even the slightest bit like her. Simply put, she is the most amazing person I know. She has been my rock and continues to inspire me everyday. Cuba really just landed in our laps and we were both so excited to spend some one-on-one time together and explore a new part of the world as mother and daughter. It was an interesting trip to say the least and I wouldn’t have wanted to experience it with anyone else.

Another reason this trip stands out in my life is that it was the first time that I had traveled with the purpose of capturing the city I was exploring through photography. I was excited to stay in a location that most tourists never get to experience. We stayed in a little town called Jaguey Grande which was about an hour away from any beach and miles away from the big cities. It was here that we saw how the locals live - the food is rationed, almost all dogs are strays, families are close and the food is so authentic its unlike anything you’ve ever tasted. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to peel back the idea of what I thought Cuba was and see it for how it truly is. Being able to photograph this culture was so exciting for me - when I look at the photos I am reminded of how beautiful this country is and feel incredibly lucky that I was there to see it first hand.

Travelling with my mom, a fellow entrepreneur and business owner, she allowed me to let my creativity run wild. My favourite moment, hands down: we were sitting on the beach about twenty minutes before a rainstorm was due to hit, I looked at her and told her about this photo I had in my head. I asked, “How would you feel if I asked you to go topless in the ocean for a really cool picture.” She didn’t even hesitate before she jumped up and said “Okay let’s do it!” - this is now forever one of our favourite photos.

I know that I am so blessed to have been able to travel and see new places so far in my life. I feel even more grateful that I know the difference exploring a new city through a lens. I can’t wait to bring my camera to more amazing countries to do this again. Thank you mom for making our Cuba trip one that we will never forget and being the best travel partner I could ask for.

A few of my faves . . .