Blackfalds Country Session | Josh & Emily


I couldn’t think of a better way to start my blog than to bring you back to one of my most favourite sessions that took place back in May of this year. Quite honestly, I don’t think I have ever been more obsessed with a gallery than I was with this one . . . like I had to edit all the photos in one sitting kind of obsessed.

I have come to learn that photography for me is about simplicity. I want my clients to feel comfortable and authentic while we are shooting together - a no frills kind of approach. For Josh & Emily this meant chasing after little Arwen for about an hour. Despite the fact that we were all sweating trying to keep up with her, it actually made for the most authentic photos that truly spoke to not only the love they have for each other but the playful silly energy that all families take part in. It honestly brought me to tears going through the photos afterwords because I was able to feel their emotions and love for one another through a screen. (like seriously - tears).

As I continue to pick up my camera, I want to think back to this session. I want to let people be people and let the photos speak for themselves. I want to tell your story in the most authentic way possible.

This was also the first session I was able to capture a really cute GIF and even though my shakiness needs improvement, trust that I will be including these in all my future sessions! That you can take to the bank.

Thank you Josh & Emily for letting me in and sharing your love with me.
